The 2019 Graal Workshop

Science, Art, Magic: Using and Developing The Graal Compiler

The 2019 Graal Workshop was held at CGO in Washington DC on the 16th of February.

Discussion topics included making effective use of the Graal JIT compiler, performance evaluations and opportunities with Graal on benchmarks and applications, developing new features and optimizations in Graal, creative and novel uses of the Graal infrastructure.

Check out and join the discussion on Twitter in #graalcgo2019!



Uma Srinivasan (Twitter @umatweep), Chris Thalinger (Twitter @christhalinger), Flavio Brasil (Twitter @flaviowbrasil)

Program Committee

Christian Wimmer (Oracle Labs), David Leopoldseder (JKU Linz), Kingsum Chow (Alibaba), JC Beyler (Google), Chris Thalinger (Twitter @christhalinger), Flavio Brasil (Twitter @flaviowbrasil)

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